Bubbles - Developmental and Wellbeing benefits of using them in baby classes

baby class baby classes baby development bubbles maternal wellbeing train to teach baby classes Mar 25, 2024

It doesn't matter whether an electric bubble machine is pumping out hundreds and hundreds of tiny bubbles or a baby class teacher is blowing them manually, bubbles never fail to intrigue, interest and invite both babies and adults to play and interact.   

But bubbles are so much more than a useful time filler, a fun, cheap activity, they are a powerful resource that supports both infant development and maternal wellbeing.  

Here are just 7 reasons why bubbles should be used in all baby classes 

1.  Visual Tracking 

Watching bubbles float and fly around the room, encourages babies to use both sets of eye muscles simultaneously as they track them.  

2.  Eye hand coordination

Bubbles help to encourage babies to reach up and try and catch them supporting the development of the coordination of eye hand movement. 

3.  Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Gross motor skills are large movements ie crawling.  Bubble play encourages mobile babies to chase them while trying to catch them or pop them with their fingers supports the development of fine motor skills

4.  Language Development

Playing with bubbles is an interactive experience that is rich in opportunities for introducing words and extending vocabulary.   Encouraging babies to blow bubbles away helps to support developing breath control and strengthen jaw muscles

5.  Cognitive Development

Cause and effect understanding is clearly demonstrated as babies experience watching bubbles both form and fly then bubbles bursting on them

6.  Mindfulness

Watching bubbles float around the room while listening to soothing, gentle music is an ideal mindful moment for parents.  The gentle music helps to reduce blood pressure and slow the heart rate while tracking a bubble prompts them to focus on the 'now'

7.  Social Development (and fun!) 

Bubbles are fun!   Bubble play helps to create shared moments as well as giggles from babies and adults